The DZ Curvature study focuses on the curvature of the horse head in Frank Gerhy’s DZ Bank. The analysis breaks down the main surface into a series of contours, which have a varying degree of curvature. The surface can be thought of a series of concave and convex curves to make up a single contour. The study looked into understanding the parametric concepts behind the surface and then focuses on how to create a new iteration based on these parametric values.
The horse head is ultimately transformed by inverting the local moments of concavity and convexity. These inversions (happening simultaneously) happen around the point of transition between the concave and convex. As the surface is inverted, new spaces begin to emerge. What was once a large gathering space transforms into a narrow corridor creating new spatial conditions. This allows the surface to be transformed to any desired amount of curvature and unique spaces within the new transformed horse head.